How to do link building

 To do link building, you will need to make sure you have a list of target sites for where you want your links to be placed. For example, if I am selling shoes and I want my site linked in the context of "shoes", then I'll need to find websites that talk about shoes or include them in their content somewhere. How are you going to get this list?

First, there are some paid tools that can help with this process. They will extract sites like eHow which is a huge resource for link building. If you want to find more in-depth results or really specific ones then these tools do the job well; however, it costs money and that may not be in your budget.

So what do you do if the budget is tight? How do you find good sites to get links from? One way is to use Google itself. You can go to Google and search something like "best hiking equipment" or whatever type of product or service you are selling. Then, click on "Images" at the top of the results page.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Explore related images" and scroll further until you get to "More suggestions." You'll get a list of sites that show up for this search query. How can you use these? Well, if one is about hiking equipment, then it could be used in the future to get links from or you can check if it has a directory where you can submit your site.

If the one about hiking equipment doesn't have a link directory, then there are other ways of getting link opportunities. Let's say you want to get more links on hiking equipment but the only sites that come up are blogs or opinion sites. How can you use these? How can they be of any value to your link building campaign?

One thing you can do is see how many followers each site has on social media. Look for the buttons on the side of the page, usually near the blog posts themselves. One or several may say "follow" or have little pictures of people. Look at these and see how many people have "followed" this site. How can you use that information?

Well, if a small blog has only five followers on Facebook but they all seem to be active, you can consider starting a conversation with them as well as seeing if you can get a link from them. How will this process look? You'll want to make a comment on their page or blog post and then wait for them to respond. If they do, great! Reply and try to start a conversation like you would with anyone else, but also mention that you noticed they liked your site and offer them the choice of reviewing it if they wanted.

Give them an incentive. How? Try giving away a free product or service related to your company. This gives them the incentive to check out site and review it because you're giving them something for free that might be useful or interesting to them.

If they don't respond, that's fine. Maybe they'll see what you said on their page later on when they log back in or see it on their wall if they have one. How else can you get a link from this site? How do you build a relationship with them?

One way is to keep your eyes peeled for blog posts that are applicable to the type of company you're selling. If they decide to post about something related to hiking equipment, then you can leave a comment on that post. How will this be different from the usual comment? You can make it more business-related with a link back to your site if they allow them.

And what happens after all of this? How do you keep track of people who are linking back to you or who are willing to help with getting links?

Here are some types of link examples which you can also create for your website.


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